Saturday, July 21, 2012

I am the me God made me to be...

This weekend I have been blessed beyond measure attending the Proverbs 31 Ministries She Speaks Conference.  I am coming away with a wealth of knowledge and confidence that God has called me to speak on His behalf to His kingdom. 
 It is about helping people see His Love, grace, and mercy by the way I live my life and the way I teach about Him.  When I think about it, it is truly an honor- and I feel humbly blessed.  But the flesh in me gets scared, cautious. and guarded because- as I have learned in my time in ministry- people can be really critical and judgemental.  I have learned, and will continue to be confident in the fact, that if I keep my eyes fixed upon the Lord, His truths will prevail- no matter what anyone thinks, says, or believes about me.

I think God has given me the gift of a big mouth (some my not call it a gift)-- but honesty is good when it makes people see the Love of Christ in a way that they have never thought about before.
I am not perfect- and will never claim to be.  The amazing thing about that fact- is God loves me anyway- in spite of my big mouth, in spite of my failures, and in spite of my insecurities.
One lesson I thought was so profound that I learned this weekend is this:  No one can do what you do in the way that you do it- no one. So, don't compare yourself to other people because God will be reveled through you (or through me) like NO ONE ELSE!! You hear that NO ONE ELSE!!

Obedience is the path- God is the destination

"Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another- showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way.  Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us."                             2 Timothy 3: 15-17 (MSG)

God Bless You!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Trusted With Patience

Wow, it has been so long since my last post.  The fact that I named this blog "Trusting with Patience" over a year ago is truly a "Godwink".Little did I know all my hopes and dreams for my career have come to fruition since then as I "trusted with patience."   For 2 years the Lord told me to be patient and wait, and after much disappointment and self-doubt, His words became my reality. For I am currently a Youth Director at Bethel Reformed Church in Brandon, WI, responsible for K-8 ministries.
This "joy" (I replaced the b in job with a y) as I like to refer to it has been such a wonderful blessing in my life.  So many people wake of every day and go to a job they hate- which is so sad to me.  I can honestly say that I wake up each day and am excited to see what God has in store for my ministry.  I know with all of my heart that this position- right now- is where God wants me to be.  The relationships I have formed over the past 8 months have been life changing for me, and I pray have been life- changing for some of the youth as well. 
Thank you to all of you who have diligently prayed for me on this journey.  God is good- all the time!!
 I am going to be dedicating this blog to my student ministries and all it entails. I will be posting information for upcoming events, letters to parents, and notes to youth. Stay tuned for details...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Do...

Tomorrow I will be officiating my first wedding ceremony. I am beyond humbled and excited to be a part of something so special. As I am preparing for this, I am reminded just how special and amazing marriage is. In marriage, God shows his unique ability to put things just so, with a relationship with Him as the center- beauty abounds. Of course, those of us who are married know all too well just how hard this union can be. I think all we need a reminder sometimes that marriage is an unselfish, giving, loving relationship created by God, sustained by God, and nourished by a relationship with God. Everyone changes- marriage is about falling in love with those changes, being open to them, and accepting of them. It is taking time for each other- getting to know each other over and over again. So, for all you feeling a bit frustrated in your relationship, today is a new day- a beginning of trying harder, being better,  & trusting in the union that brought you together. Thank the Lord for each other and the bond you share. Take time today to tell your spouse just how special they are!

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help... Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm... Three are even better, for a triple -braided cord is not easily broken."  Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12

Thursday, August 4, 2011

SonRock Kids Camp!!

The week begins with anticipation and nervousness… “What am I forgetting.  I hope a lot of kids show up. I hope they have fun…” These were just a few of the thousands of things I had on my mind Monday morning.  The week ends with 97 kids singing their hearts out, dancing, and praising God!

What a wonderful week we had at Vacation Bible School this year!!  It was a week where the kids (and adults alike) learned we are all ACCEPTED, PROTECTED, SAVED, and FORGIVEN BY JESUS.  My back is sore, and I could really use a nice long nap, but every muscle ache is well worth the look of disappointment on one little girl’s face when she asked me, “Mrs Leonard, do we have VBS on Friday?”  “No hon, we don’t.”  “Oh man, came her reply, “I want VBS every day!!”  Or my precious nephew who told his mom that he wanted this to be his school for a hundred days in a row!!!  It was this week the Lord told me I am right where I need to be, whether I am getting paid for it or not!  Job or no job- I delight in His children and the light they bring to my life!!

The Lord we serve is so amazing, and when we are given the opportunity to see His light shining through the lives of our children, all is well with my soul.  As parents, it is hard to fathom His trust in us… trusting us enough to raise His children. For me, it is amazing He trusts me enough to lead His children. As the summer comes to an end, and the days filled with a relaxed summertime routine and bedtime will soon be ending, it is now I try to remember the things that are sometimes considered small in this life, yet are priceless to our Maker.   Smiles, hugs, & love our children give us every day, yet we are sometimes too busy to notice.  Take the time- today- and every day to realize the gifts that are right in front of you.  Stop worrying about paying the bills, running to the next practice, and keeping your house clean.  Instead, give thanks for the time we are given, the love we are given, and the forgiveness we are given.  A HUGE THANK YOU to all the volunteers who made this week possible!!

 Blessings & Patience…

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thankfulness is not the result of good circumstances...

Thankfulness is not the result of good circumstances... ever think of that before? When life is getting us down... it is usually the time when we turn to God, rely on Him, and absorb His presence. Take a look around you right now... look at what you have-- most of you probably have your health, a roof over your head, food in your cupboards, and people in your life that love & care about you. If you are reading this in the midst of a crisis- with your finaces, your children, your health, your relationships, or just life in general- maybe you are thinking "Surely God would not expect me to be thankful at a time like this?" James 1:2 says, " When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy..." God has given us the gift of salvation by grace through faith. So, what we deserve is hell, and what we get is heaven. If we never recieve another gift from God-- we all need to be thankful for that!!

What if God met our needs to the same extent we give Him our lives?
What if God decided to treat us the same way we treat him?

What if God decided to stop leading us tomorrow because we did not follow him today?

"O Lord, help us to be thankful that you do not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities." Psalm 103:10

Life is a gift to be lived-- I have learned through some pretty tough circumstances, that trials and tribulations only make you stronger, smarter, and more equipped to be a vessel for Him!  As I was reading my devotional this morning, I prayed that God use me for good, even if it meant I needed to be broken first... (which is how I have been feeling lately)
I encourage you today to live as if it was your last. Do something for someone else. Tell someone how much you love them. Talk to your Savior as your best friend.

Remember these words from Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 118:1
With Patience and Trust...

Monday, July 25, 2011

This Life Was Meant to Shine…

The title of this post is my new favorite song of the summer. I have been being pretty hard on myself over the past few weeks, and the devil knows it. He knows how to knock you when you are down--to tell you are  not good enough, not smart enough, not faithful enough. When I listen to this song, it gives me strength and positive energy to know that this life- my life- and yours- IS meant to ShInE!! Every day I owe it to my kids to show them Jesus light- how can I do that if I am down on myself-- the one He created? If your light is shining, your children will see that and their glow will also surface. In these last few precious weeks of summer (I know many of you are counting down the days until school starts) let's try to shine for our kids, enjoy these days we get to spend with them. The Lord gave them to us as gifts-- what an honor!!! Take some time today to read them a book, have a quite talk, spend some quality time together. I encourage you to slow down- life is moving too fast- and enjoy today with your kids, your family, your friends. The Lord is good- that we know-- the devil is devious and smart-- don't let him in-- keep shining for all the world to see!!

Light represents what is good, pure, true, holy, and reliable.  Darkness represents what is sinful and evil.  "God is light" means that God is perfectly holy and true and that he alone can guide us out of the darkness of sin.

"But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7

Listen to "This Life" by MercyMe and feel the power in the spirit!!  
With Blessings & Patience...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Organic or Not Organic.... That is the Question...

So here we are in the middle of the summer, the garden is almost at its prime. I LoVe this time of year! With my own garden and local farmer's markets, it gives me a little relief from my organic produce purchasing. For those of you who don't know me too well, I try to buy mostly organic-- Focusing on fruit, most veggies, lettuce, eggs and processed foods. I just feel better giving my kids macaroni and cheese when it is not filled with a bunch of stuff that I cannot pronounce. Although it took awhile, my kids have gotten used to it and I think appreciate me for it. On the other hand, at my friend's house this week they about drooled on the table when they were given Kraft macaroni n' cheese =) I started babysitting again, and it about chokes me when the kids don't like my "organic waffles" (amoung other things) and throw them in the garbage-- compared to Eggo, Kraft, or Yoplait, I suppose it does take some getting used to... Living on one income, buying organic can be frustrating and expensive!! When talking to another friend on the phone this week, she informed me her family of five lives on $80 a week in groceries- I was shocked, considering my bill is over $200! Being a wife and mother, we all have choices to make in regards to our family.  The Lord has always provided for my family~ that I know to be true.  I know I am making the right choice, but would like to hear what you have to say... any tips, recopies, or shortcuts would be greatly appreciated!! (fyi I also cut coupons and try to shop on "double coupon" days as well :)!!

P.S. For some wonderful recipes, check out my friend Suzanne's blog at Haute