The week begins with anticipation and nervousness… “What am I forgetting. I hope a lot of kids show up. I hope they have fun…” These were just a few of the thousands of things I had on my mind Monday morning. The week ends with 97 kids singing their hearts out, dancing, and praising God!
What a wonderful week we had at Vacation Bible School this year!! It was a week where the kids (and adults alike) learned we are all ACCEPTED, PROTECTED, SAVED, and FORGIVEN BY JESUS. My back is sore, and I could really use a nice long nap, but every muscle ache is well worth the look of disappointment on one little girl’s face when she asked me, “Mrs Leonard, do we have VBS on Friday?” “No hon, we don’t.” “Oh man, came her reply, “I want VBS every day!!” Or my precious nephew who told his mom that he wanted this to be his school for a hundred days in a row!!! It was this week the Lord told me I am right where I need to be, whether I am getting paid for it or not! Job or no job- I delight in His children and the light they bring to my life!!
The Lord we serve is so amazing, and when we are given the opportunity to see His light shining through the lives of our children, all is well with my soul. As parents, it is hard to fathom His trust in us… trusting us enough to raise His children. For me, it is amazing He trusts me enough to lead His children. As the summer comes to an end, and the days filled with a relaxed summertime routine and bedtime will soon be ending, it is now I try to remember the things that are sometimes considered small in this life, yet are priceless to our Maker. Smiles, hugs, & love our children give us every day, yet we are sometimes too busy to notice. Take the time- today- and every day to realize the gifts that are right in front of you. Stop worrying about paying the bills, running to the next practice, and keeping your house clean. Instead, give thanks for the time we are given, the love we are given, and the forgiveness we are given. A HUGE THANK YOU to all the volunteers who made this week possible!!
Blessings & Patience…
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