The title of this post is my new favorite song of the summer. I have been being pretty hard on myself over the past few weeks, and the devil knows it. He knows how to knock you when you are down--to tell you are not good enough, not smart enough, not faithful enough. When I listen to this song, it gives me strength and positive energy to know that this life- my life- and yours- IS meant to ShInE!! Every day I owe it to my kids to show them Jesus light- how can I do that if I am down on myself-- the one He created? If your light is shining, your children will see that and their glow will also surface. In these last few precious weeks of summer (I know many of you are counting down the days until school starts) let's try to shine for our kids, enjoy these days we get to spend with them. The Lord gave them to us as gifts-- what an honor!!! Take some time today to read them a book, have a quite talk, spend some quality time together. I encourage you to slow down- life is moving too fast- and enjoy today with your kids, your family, your friends. The Lord is good- that we know-- the devil is devious and smart-- don't let him in-- keep shining for all the world to see!!
Light represents what is good, pure, true, holy, and reliable. Darkness represents what is sinful and evil. "God is light" means that God is perfectly holy and true and that he alone can guide us out of the darkness of sin.
"But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7
Listen to "This Life" by MercyMe and feel the power in the spirit!!
With Blessings & Patience...
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