Tomorrow I will be officiating my first wedding ceremony. I am beyond humbled and excited to be a part of something so special. As I am preparing for this, I am reminded just how special and amazing marriage is. In marriage, God shows his unique ability to put things just so, with a relationship with Him as the center- beauty abounds. Of course, those of us who are married know all too well just how hard this union can be. I think all we need a reminder sometimes that marriage is an unselfish, giving, loving relationship created by God, sustained by God, and nourished by a relationship with God. Everyone changes- marriage is about falling in love with those changes, being open to them, and accepting of them. It is taking time for each other- getting to know each other over and over again. So, for all you feeling a bit frustrated in your relationship, today is a new day- a beginning of trying harder, being better, & trusting in the union that brought you together. Thank the Lord for each other and the bond you share. Take time today to tell your spouse just how special they are!
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help... Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm... Three are even better, for a triple -braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12